Far-right websites hacked and defaced

A pair of far-right media outlets’ websites were hacked and defaced late Thursday, with subscriber and other internal site data leaked as part of an apparent politically motivated attack.
A message posted temporarily to the front page of the sites, Post Millennial and Human Events, was made to look as though it was written by Post Millennial editor-at-large Andy Ngo. The message, which had the colors of the trans pride flag as its backdrop, claimed that Ngo was transitioning to a woman and taking the name Angelina Ngo. The message also included links to download datasets of the Post Millennial’s subscribers, mailing lists and details about the site’s writers and editors.
Ngo, a conservative activist and journalist provocateur, and the Post Millennial more generally, regularly feature anti-transgender commentary and analysis.
There has not yet been a public claim of responsibility for the attack, but it is at least the second seemingly politically motivated hack this week. On Monday, SiegedSec, a cybercrime group that has carried out politically motivated attacks in the past, claimed an attack on the notorious Westboro Baptist Church. There’s no indication that the two incidents are linked.
Human Events, a conservative news organization launched in 1944, acquired Post Millennial in May 2022. Both organizations’ websites note that they are designed and maintained by Political Media, Inc., a Virginia-based “right of center new media consulting firm” that provides services including content management systems, web design, email services and marketing.
Other clients of Political Media, Inc., and its sister company, Psyclone Media, Inc., include political action committees, congressional candidates and “various other political organizations,” according to the Psyclone Media website.
Ngo, Post Millennial, Human Events and Political Media, Inc., did not respond to requests for comment.